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Homework Assignments Week 1.4

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Map and Filter

The Stratego library provides two strategies filter and map with the following implementation:

map(s): []     -> []
map(s): [x|xs] -> [<s> x | <map(s)> xs]

filter(s): []     -> []
filter(s): [x|xs] -> <filter(s)> xs where not (<s> x)
filter(s): [x|xs] -> [<s> x | <filter(s)> xs]

Stratego also provides a strategy inc, which rewrites an integer number to its successor.

  • What is the result of <filter(inc)> [1, "two", 3]? Show each step of computation.

  • What is the result of <map(inc)> [1, "two", 3]? Show each step of computation.

  • Based on the definition of map and filter, explain the differences between both strategies.


The Stratego library defines a strategy inverse(|e) with the following implementation:

inverse(|a): []     -> a
inverse(|a): [x|xs] -> <inverse(|[x|a])> xs
  • Explain the semantics of inverse in English.

  • What is the result of applying inverse(|[]) to the term [1,2,3]. Show each step of computation.

  • Based on the definition of inverse, explain how an accumulator is used.


The Stratego library provides a strategy foldr(s1, s2) with the following implementation:

foldr(s1, s2): []     -> <s1>
foldr(s1, s2): [x|xs] -> <s2> (x, <foldr(s1, s2)> xs)

Evaluate the following Stratego code. Show all intermediate steps and results.

<foldr(!0, add)> [1,2,3] => ... => ... => ...

Boolean Operators

Consider the following algebraic signature representing the abstract syntax of an expression language in Stratego:

    Var : String -> E
    Int : Int -> E
    Add : E * E -> E
    Mul : E * E -> E
    And : E * E -> E
    Or  : E * E -> E
    If  : E * E * E -> E

In this language integers are used to represent Boolean values, with Int(0) representing false and all other integers representing true. The Boolean operators And and Or are short-circuit operations.

  • Define in Stratego a desugaring transformation to eliminate the And and Or operators.

  • Give the term resulting from desugaring the term And(Var("x"), Or(Int(1), Var("y")))

  • Define in Stratego a strategy that, given a transformation that maps variables to expressions, applies this transformation to all variables in an expression; use only basic operators.

  • Define in Stratego a constant folding transformation for desugared expressions.

Function Application

Consider the following algebraic signature representing the abstract syntax of an expression language in Stratego:

    Var : String -> E
    Fun : List(String) * E -> E // n-ary function literal ('lambda')
    App : E * List(E) -> E      // n-ary function application

The language consists of variables (Var), n-ary function literals (Fun), and n-ary function applications (App). For example, the expression

   App(Fun(["x", "y"], Var("x")), [Var("a"), Var("b")])

is the application of a binary function to two argument expressions.

  • Functions with two or more arguments can be turned into nested functions with just one argument. This is known as currying. Define in Stratego a transformation (rules and strategy) to curry function literals and function applications in the language above. The resulting terms should be well-formed wrt the signature of expressions above. If you use a traversal strategy, provide its definition as well.

  • Give the term resulting from currying the term

   App(Fun(["x", "y"], Var("x")), [Var("a"), Var("b")])
  • A variable in an expression is free if it is not bound by the parameter of a surrounding function literal. Define in Stratego a strategy freevars that produces the free variables of an expression.

  • Stratego rules are themselves subject to desugaring to a core language of basic transformation operations. Desugar the following Stratego rule:


  Beta : App(Fun([x], e1), [e2]) -> <alltd((Var(x) -> e2))>e1


Consider the following algebraic signature representing the abstract syntax of an expression language in Stratego:

    Var    : ID -> E             // x
    Int    : Int -> E            // i
    Plus   : E * E -> E          // e + e
    Lt     : E * E -> E          // e < e
    Assign : ID * E -> E         // x := e
    Seq    : E * E -> E          // e ; e
    While  : E * E -> E          // while(e) { e }
    For    : ID * E * E * E -> E // for(i := e to e) { e }

The concrete syntax in comments shows the mapping to the common programming language constructs.

The For(x, e_from, e_to, e_body) construct is a loop that initializes the loop iteration variable x to the value of the e_from expression and then executes e_body, incrementing x on each iteration as long as it is smaller than e_to.

For example, the following program computes the sum of integers from $0$ to $9$:

     Assign("sum", Int(0)),
     For("x", Int(0), Int(10),
       Assign("sum", Plus(Var("sum"), Var("x")))
  • The For loop can be expressed as a While loop. Give the term resulting from desugaring the sum program above.

  • Define in Stratego a transformation (rules and strategy) to desugar for loops to while loops in the language above. The resulting terms should be well-formed wrt the signature of expressions above. If you use a traversal strategy, provide its definition as well.

  • Stratego rules are themselves subject to desugaring to a core language of basic transformation operations. Desugar the following Stratego rule:


  Eval : Plus(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<plus>(i, j))


Consider the following signatures defining the abstract syntax of regular expressions and context-free grammars:

  sorts RE
          : String -> CC
    Wld   : RE
    Str   : STRING -> RE
    CC    : CC -> RE
    EOL   : RE
    Seq   : RE * RE -> RE
    Alt   : RE * RE -> RE
    Plus  : RE -> RE
    Star  : RE -> RE
    Opt   : RE -> RE
    Grammar : List(Prod) -> Prod
    Prod    : Symbol * List(Symbol) -> Prod
    NT      : ID -> Symbol
    T       : STRING -> Symbol
    L       : LCID -> Symbol
		CC      : CC -> Symbol

Define a transformation re-to-cfg that transforms a regular expression to a context-free grammar such that <re-to-cfg> re => cfg the language defined by the grammar cfg is the same as that of the regular expression re.